Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Questions on laws of attraction

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I am confused about the law of attraction. Some say we should imagine the end result, others say that we should not imagine a specific situation because it would create the expectation of only one type of result. If I visualize that I want something, I’m saying I do not have it, and many say that this is also wrong. How can we do this the right way? And I’m wishing for something out of the plans, out of the planned for the soul, what is the consequence of that? ~Dri, Brazil

ANSWER: You are taking the concepts that some call the “law of attraction,” which have worked for a number of people, and mixing them with universal laws. These principles work only because individuals create their own reality. The teachings of others define what they have found worked for them in their lives. Since each soul is on a unique journey, things may not work for everyone as they have for the teachers.

There are absolutely no “absolutes” in a soul’s journey. Each life is directed by the soul with specific goals in mind. Humans cling to the idea that something that has worked for others will work for them, and they therefore can avoid a situation they face but with which they don’t want to deal.

But if you chose to experience poverty, no amount of envisioning, sending messages to the universe, or working toward the goal of riches will succeed – unless you first deal with the lesson and why you felt it was important to you. Once learning the emotional content behind poverty, most will be able to bring prosperity into their life.

The precept of not being too specific arises from the fact that during the time needed to produce your result, you may have grown and your needs changed. Asking for something that was appropriate in the beginning may be insufficient in the present, and the whole exercise will fail. Using the term “this or something better” will cover all possible changes during completion.

All requests addressed should convey that the results have already come into existence. Saying “I need” or “I do not have” tells the universe that your condition does not – and you do not want it to – include the subject mentioned. Intentions should be phrased as ”I have” the desired end result. The universe will see it missing from your world and provide it, if it does not conflict with a life lesson.

Souls have freedom of choice and may change the direction of their plans. If you choose to deviate drastically from your pre-planning, your unconscious higher self will then intervene and, consulting with your council of advisors back Home, determine if this is what you really want to happen.

Suicide do-over

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, Suicide is considered a ‘do-over’ in the spiritual world. But is this also true in the case of elderly people whose lives are physically impaired and/or socially limited who just do not wish to extend this experience further? They may have learned their life lessons successfully but simply do not wish to continue into debilitation, lack of quality of life and becoming a burden on their family. Can they not just go home peacefully without the ‘do-over’ consequence? ~Annettamaria, France

ANSWER: Suicide is not always a do-over from the spiritual perspective. Certainly, it is an opportunity to redo various life lessons that have been overwhelming to the soul in the current life, allowing it to reconfigure the situation with less stress. But there is another reason for suicide, and that is as a life lesson for the soul itself or by agreement with family and friends to let them have the accompanying lessons.

Every soul has total freedom of choice as to how, when, and where it lives its life and experiences different life lessons. The soul is empowered as a piece of Source that broke off from Source and therefore has all the same powers and abilities. That means simply that a person can make the choice to “cease” the human existence at any time by shutting down his/her body.

This seems like a simple enough process, but few humans accept that they have the powers that would permit them to do so. Some lessons might arise from people asking a friend or relative to help them end their life with medications, etc. This brings up lessons for both parties as they deal with their beliefs and the laws of their state or country.

Euthanasia is being accepted in some parts of the world, and this “assisted suicide” allows the person to leave and the remaining people to deal with their feelings pursuant to their belief systems and conscience. If the soul has finished all the lessons it wished for that particular life, it has no reason to have to redo anything unless it chooses a slightly different aspect of any of the same lessons.

Home and Earth issues and concepts

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015

QUESTION: Masters you say there is no karma, punishment or grace. I understand this is true at the soul, heaven or source level. But is this true at the earth and human being level? Do the rules change when we enter earth and a human existence? Are there two different sets of rules? Around the world religions, gurus, teachers and preachers talk about these things. ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: There are two different types of existence. The universe/nonphysical world/Home is a singularity of nothing but unconditional love, with no negativity allowing for any kind of judgment, punishment, or retribution. Once a soul enters into a body on planet Earth, it has entered a duality where negativity and positive energy are equally split. Judgment rules the ego society where everything is judged, rated, and graded.

When souls wish to learn about their nature, they do it in the cauldron of duality where freedom of choice lets them decide how to deal with and learn from the situations they have set into play. In order to make a choice, they must have choices from which to pick, which can only occur where negativity exists – i.e., on Earth.

Even on Earth in the midst of the duality, there are people who can live by their spiritual aspect, acknowledging their essence of unconditional love. They do not judge, seek punishment, or insist on retribution for past acts. They have risen to an understanding of why they came into a body, have completed their lessons, and are then witnessing the rest of society to decide if there is anything more in which they wish to participate.

People create a reality for themselves by adopting belief systems that they use to decide how to live their lives. These become their rules of behavior and are frequently set up through the influence of religious organizations that dictate what they think others should believe.

When people explore a spiritual group, they usually try out the beliefs of that organization. Some teachers, gurus, and angelic communicators insist that their beliefs are the only way to salvation, ascension, or redemption. Those whose teachings include judgment and scares of enforced punishments for past deeds are not existing in unconditional love.

Take everything that is presented, even from us, and see how it feels to your inner wisdom. If it resonates, accept it into your beliefs; if it abrades, walk away from it.