Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

He won’t do what he is meant to do

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

QUSTION: Masters, help me understand. Is this all happening because of the free will we have on earth? I believe I have met the soul with whom I was meant to share my life on earth also to complete our mission here together. After six years of waiting for the right timing to connect, he rejected me. Is he running from the connection because he is not able to face himself? I feel that we chose to meet in this lifetime but I don’t feel like I chose this to happen. I feel more like he is running the connection because he is afraid. I also know that I have opened my heart and am ready to let someone in who is walking in the same phase with me. Also know I don’t need to be in a relationship to complete my mission. ~Hannele, Finland

ANSWER: First, you must understand that there is not one particular soul with whom you are “meant to share your life.” Each day you have the ability to exercise your freedom of choice to decide what you wish to do on that day. You may choose to spend time with one partner today, and realize tomorrow that you have learned everything you can from that person and it is time to find another for your next lessons.

You also do not choose what missions you will engage in before you come to Earth – with the exception of life lessons. If you have elected to work on a series of lessons, you may not have sufficient time left after understanding them to also complete an additional mission with another person.

Your (and everyone’s) “mission,” if you wish to call it that, is to realize who you are as a piece of Source, and what abilities you possess. You work on learning your powers and how to bring into your life the things necessary to understand and use your strength.

You can never get another to do what you want just because you believe that something should go as you have envisioned. He is not afraid, just not interested. He does not have the feelings for you that you do for him. You two were meant to (i.e., chose to) meet – not to work together, but for you to see that you can’t control another.

You have learned the majority of your lessons and have been aware enough to open your heart and be available for anyone who could join you on your journey. Now is the time to start manifesting the energy that will bring a companion to you. It is very important that you be conscious of the now so as not to miss a new mate when he is close. Trust in the universe and have no specific expectations.

Soul status

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters it is believed that when the soul sheds the physical body it forgives anyone and everyone who has hurt the soul during its earthly journey. So then where does the concept of soul mate and soul group fit in? Why would there be souls who are dearer than others once in soul form? They are all the same aren’t they? ~Sree, UAE

ANSWER: All souls are composed of energy broken off from Source and are identical in essence. Souls who came into existence as individuals at approximately the same time are called soul mates. Their ability to “sense” those close to themselves is based on their sharing the time of “creation.” There is a familiarity of the energy, and it is easily recognized when met at another time, such as on Earth. It does not make them appear “dearer” since there is no grading, rating, or judging while in unconditional love; each is simply able to recognize the energy signature.

As individual souls experience their own human lifetimes, they gather wisdom that may not have been gathered by even their closest soul friends. For instance, say you are a triplet. One brother joins the same sports team as you. Your other brother is an intellectual and avoids all physical activity. You have things to share with your teammate that your other brother will never understand, but you are all still identical physically.

Once souls leave the duality of Earth, which is the only place they may experience negativity, they are in unconditional love where none of the lessons of humanity – such as hatred, forgiveness, or revenge – exists. All souls are still composed of the identical essence, but they carry the unique experiences each has lived.

Coming from the same soul group may make it more likely for two souls to share the same experiences by choice. But a soul may opt to make a contract with someone from a different group who wishes to have the same life lessons in the same lifetime. Freedom of choice determines everything for each soul.

Capturing energy

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I have a friend with whom I have a special connection. We are both women, and there’s no sexual energy. When we meet each other, it feels immediately like we are in a hurricane or something, and we get VERY inspired and deep about everything, and understand each other perfectly. When I’m with her, everything becomes very clear and light for both of us and we inspire each other, but afterwards I might feel like it was a dream. I would like to know what the meaning of this is; it is so very different from any other relationship or friendship ever. How can I bring this clarity and inspiration to my life without her? ~Maarit,  Finland

ANSWER: This woman is a very close member of your soul group. You have spent a lot of lifetimes together on Earth and have additional times when one or the other of you has acted as a spirit guide for the one who chose to incarnate. When you are with each other, that level of energy you are capable of attaining comes to you automatically and you are in another dimension.

This has nothing to do with your physical human bodies but only with the shared essence of your souls. Both of you, as is true for all souls, are pieces of Source energy, and you may use that energy to be all-powerful, magnificent, knowing, and creative. To bring those energies into your awareness without their being triggered by the presence of your friend, you must go through the steps of awareness.

All souls come to Earth with the purpose of knowing who they really are and what their abilities and powers can afford them. You have to first accept that you contain the energy of Source within. Next, you must believe that you can use that energy at will. Next, you go from believing in it to knowing you can use the energy. You then begin to use the abilities you know you have to accomplish what you desire. Finally, you will become that energy and be able to do whatever it is you wish without having to be in the presence of your soul mate.

Faith in yourself, knowing you can manifest and create, and the confidence in yourself to move forward is the solution you seek. The ability is always within you. Connect with it and then use your intention to put it into play.