Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Energy awareness

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, The shift in consciousness to that of more loving kindness to one another seems to be growing and expanding at a rather quick pace compared to the past few hundred years (maybe thousands). Is it because the 5th Dimension, where you reside, is coming down to earth and in essence dissolving the 3rd Dimension duality of negativity? Are we getting to a place where we can exist on Earth in the form of pure positive energy? ~Stephanie, USA

ANSWER: All souls have freedom of choice on this planet, which is an equal division of positive and negative energy – or, as most say, good and evil. This includes the decision where to place yourself as you start your lifetime. Do you want to be in a place where negativity rules or where there is a pocket of positive-thinking and -acting souls around you? There is still just as much negativity in the world as there has always been.

Souls recognize the unconditional love of the Source and the universe at different times and in various ways. Occurring at this time is compartmentalization of good and evil. There are those who are searching for themselves in a spiritual plane and recognizing their inner essence of unconditional love. They choose to be with like-minded beings and congregate in certain areas that feel like the 5th dimension because judgment and ego are banned. You place yourself in this type of  environment.

There are just as many totally negative areas that are festering with destructive forces at this time. What you call terrorists, fanatics, and manipulators are all part of these ego-based, judgmental groups. They are having their way with the world and affecting the existence of all others who share the planet. The effect these negative people have upon you depends on how much energy you give to them in controlling the way you think and the fears you let them produce.

All souls bring to themselves that which they need to experience. If you need to judge between good and evil to learn a desired lesson, you will be in the middle of the event. If you wish to observe but not participate, you will evaluate what you observe but won’t judge. Continue to create that 5th dimension environment you identify with. Love yourself for making these choices, and exude your essential unconditional love toward those who join in your consciousness.

Relying on “proof”

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters some things can only be proved by contradiction, by assuming a negative and following it through until one realizes the contradiction and rejects the negative in favor of the positive. Other things can be proved constructively by building positive upon positive. But to what extent is proof necessary? It seems impossible for me to get a girlfriend. I am always trying to prove either why I can’t get a girlfriend so I can do the opposite, or why a girl should want to go out with me so I can build constructively. Neither approach ever seems to work. Anything is possible and anything can be proved if one simply believes, but to live such a way is to live as God and I am a mere mortal. Can you manifest a girlfriend for me? ~George, UK

ANSWER: You are doing so much over-analyzing that you are sabotaging all your efforts to create an energy that will attract a woman to you. When you spend time proving why you can’t get a girlfriend, you are sending that information out to the universe; the result is that the cosmos believes that is exactly how you want your life to be – without a companion. It uses your own words and deeds as a template to create your existence.

When you “decide” why someone would want to be with you, you then project an image of a creation that is not really you; it is theoretical. You create what you think they desire, even if it goes against your way of life and who you are.

Why do you have to prove something or the absence of it? You are backing away from reality and saying scientific experimentation will cause your girlfriend to do something just because you have proven it can be done. Haven’t you experienced that no one can cause others to do anything unless they decide for themselves that they want to do it?

To paraphrase your conclusion, anything is possible if you have faith in yourself and believe you can bring it to fruition. Who says that you do not have godlike powers? You are a soul who came into being by having broken off from Source, so you have the same powers and abilities Source possesses. Your essence is magnificent, all-powerful, all-creative, and unconditionally loving. All you have to do is accept who you truly are.

Incarnation and amnesia

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I was reading “exploring reincarnation” the other day and a question occurred to me. I understand people are born with amnesia to experience life lessons, but I was wondering about the people (kids in particular) who remember past lives due to a traumatic death, and have night-terrors and are usually detached from the life they live now and tend to cling to a past life. I get the feeling the soul still has some healing to do? ~Matt, England

ANSWER:  You are right and you are wrong about the conclusions you have stated because the size of your sample is so small. There are a few souls who meet the criterion of your statement, but there are many more who do not and yet still have past-life memories.

Since a soul incarnates to learn lessons and gather wisdom about itself, it comes with amnesia as to the choices it has made for that lifetime. For most people with  past-life remembrances, the memories concern issues that they have not chosen to deal with in this particular life, but that contain energy that is very important to their overall journey through humanity.

Let’s talk about children’s memories for a moment. When a soul comes to Earth, and the amnesia pertains to their current lessons, they may maintain a continued dialogue with past occurrences. While the souls whose memories deal with traumatic events are the ones reported most often because of the intensity, they are in the minority.

Most children still remember a very beloved member of their family, a particular location they loved, or a hobby or occupation about which they were passionate. If no one tells them they are imagining things, they may hold this through their life and integrate it into the new life. If repeatedly told it is a dream, they will set it aside and lose all memory.

The traumatic recall from another life may be so overwhelming that a person has to heed its energy. This will always be a lesson they did not learn, and their soul’s desire that they complete it, understand it, and send it into knowledge overpowers what is right in front of them.

Until they address the fear, anger, sense of betrayal, guilt, or other emotion that is powering the event, it will take over their life. It is not a sense of healing but one of completing by understanding why they chose that lesson in the first place. Hypnosis is an easy way to approach resolution.