Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Putting physical life in perspective

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I am working on bringing a healthier work-life balance to my life. I have changed jobs to help with this. But each time, the job becomes increasingly pressure filled and can involve long hours. I am recognizing unhealthy beliefs about work and am resetting my beliefs and setting healthy boundaries. I am also reviewing whether jobs becoming increasingly difficult may also mean that I should consider a new field of work. I am setting up a new intention of finding a job that is fun, rewarding and balanced. Am I reviewing this life lesson correctly? Are there other practices I can do to assess and feel out the best solution for me? ~Anne, USA

ANSWER: You are a workaholic and a perfectionist. You always look beyond what your job description asks for and push into the next level – which, of course, delights your employer. Who wouldn’t want an employee to do more work than they were hired to do and for which they are paid?

You are correct that it has a lot to do with your belief systems. You were brought up to believe that you should always do your best, and if you can see a way to improve a situation, you should. Your work ethic includes working as hard as you can.

This attitude has allowed many employers to take advantage of you because you have reveled in their enthusiasm for your work. This results in doing more work than can fit into the time allotted for it, hence the pressure you feel. The difficulty you sense is just a normal sensation of advancing through the various tasks.

Whether you change jobs or not is a matter of freedom of choice. Consider also if setting limits – i.e., not allowing yourself to be taken advantage of – would be sufficient to change the way you see yourself and find enjoyment in the job.

All these lessons have brought you to a normal conclusion that you have the power to shape the future. Put out those intentions of securing a position that will be fun, rewarding, and balanced. It may be in your current field or one very similar. Don’t have any preconceived expectations of what it will be. Put the intention out there, jump into the energetic flow of the universe, and let the perfect position come to you. Once on your spiritual journey, you bring to yourself what you need and want to experience.

Conflicting feelings

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I’m living a spiritual awakening and find myself sometimes with a lot of light and other times, especially with my husband and my mother, I feel a lot of anger at them. This is a very intense feeling that I do not know why it happens. I’m afraid to end up separating from my husband because we have a baby of 8 months. I am also trying to put together a holistic space to help others, which is my work here on Earth. I would like some words of guidance! ~Laila, Brasil

ANSWER: As you progress along your spiritual path, you go from an arena of mostly negative energy into choosing to turn all negative instances into positive, loving ones. This is not done with everything in your life all at once. You must approach each pocket of negativity and decide what to do with it. If you leave it alone, it maintains an influence on you whenever you are near it.

The anger you sense for your husband and mother has to do with the way they treated you in the past, before you woke up and chose to move away from their type of energy. When they were bombarding you with negativity and mentally and emotionally abusing you, before you realized this could happen only if you allowed it, you built up this inner anger over their actions. Now it is being released because you no longer fear them or think that you have to put up with their nastiness.

You have total freedom of choice to decide what comes next in your life. You can dedicate yourself to your work and surround your physical body with unconditional love so that you are no longer affected by your family’s negativity. Your child will feel the negativity until they recognize that it is not directed at them. You must decide if it is possible for the two of you to find a way to thrive in this environment or if it is best that you move on.

Your work will put you mostly in positive energy. Use that as a base for living your life. Negativity cannot exist in the presence of unconditional love. With your intention, send love to those who are negative to assist them in finding their way out of that energy into positive loving energy. Don’t try to “think” your way out of any situation; always ask yourself how you “feel” about what is happening.

Alcohol, meat, and chakras

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I would like to know what are the effects of alcohol consumption (especially wine) and eating red meat to our chakras. Do they harm our chakras even if in small amounts? What are the consequences? Thank you very much for so much love you have for us here. ~Rachel, Canada

ANSWER: Chakras are energy vortexes that swirl around the human body from the nonphysical aspects of the physical body. They assist the flow of energy through the body, from the crown chakra at the top of the head, to the root chakra at the base of the spine. They interact with the pranic tube, the channel through which all your energy flows.

Many things can interfere with the flow of energy and with the rotation of the chakras.  When a chakra turns in a different direction from the rest of the chakras, it slows down the overall flow of energy in the body and causes diseases, lethargy, or blockages that impact the physical. Physical, mental, and emotional influences can balance the chakras.

The intention of the person has a lot to do with what effect various conditions have on the body. The most severe interference is tied up in a person’s belief system. If they believe that something, such as drinking or eating meat, will interfere with their body, then it does. There are no absolutes in human living. Some people can drink poison and not have it affect them if they truly believe that it will not, and others just think they will get ill and it occurs.

People can, however, also sabotage themselves. If they don’t want to have problems from consuming something, but unconsciously they think it will cause difficulties because they have heard others say that it will, it most likely will be dangerous for them.

As we said, there are no absolutes. Alcohol, be it wine, beer, or hard liquor, will not automatically harm a body or a chakra when consumed in moderation. Excessive use will have a tendency to unbalance the physical structure and cause damage. The same applies to animal products if they do not contain substances injurious to the physical body.

When consuming anything, you should monitor your body to see how the substance is received. If you believe it is beneficial or benign, it will be like any other nutritional supplement for the working body.