Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Relationship defined

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, My relationship with this man has now lasted for 1.5 years. It is SO difficult to make it flowing and steady and harmonic. We are different in every aspect of the word. We want different things. He wants me to move to live with him and his teenagers in another town. I want my life in my quiet little home, but still want to be his one and only woman. My health is not very good, so I need to lead a peaceful life, he wants action… But there is still so much love and attraction/ passion between us, so it is hard to break up. Masters: Why can’t we make this work? Or HOW can we? What is it that I (or WE) should learn from this constant struggle? ~Wen, Norway

ANSWER: For a romantic relationship to totally satisfy the needs of both parties, there must be a continuing sharing of all aspects of the life. Each party must feel listened to and cherished by the other. There has to be some sort of agreement on the definition of the future needs and desires.

Your impressions of the future are that you don’t want to make any concessions to the quiet life you have created and exist in most of the time. The question you have to ask yourself is: do I wish to give up the majority of my lifestyle for the love and passion I receive from this man? Is that alone enough for the rest of my life?

He wants a woman who will act like a wife. He wants a family setting where his woman and his children are ever present to fulfill his desires and vision of a family. The degree of passion he has displayed was/is, in his mind, a prelude for a proper union to come. You are his one and only now, but if you do not wish to achieve his dreams, he will move on to someone who can.

It is very apparent that you two have no common consensus on how you see the future. Take the sex and passion out of the equation and what, if anything, do you have left? That is the destiny you have before you. If you do not honor your own needs and desires, you will never truly be happy. The choice is yours. There are  alternatives out there.

Sharing unconditional love

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

QUESTION: Masters there is a point of light within your soul(s) that shines out to all. When you amplify this light with conscious prayer what is the effect on humanity’s spiritual growth? ~Samuel, UK

ANSWER: Every soul is a piece of Source consisting of unconditional love. The soul  chooses how much of this love or light it wishes to absorb in the physical and how much it will show or project to others. This energy shines forth from those who have rid themselves of negativity and embraced positive judgment and ego-free lives. For each iota of negative thoughts and actions that remain, the light is dimmed and has to fight to be seen and/or felt.

In society, where negativity is the default setting for souls having a physical experience since that is how all life lessons are presented to them, one must work on a recognition of their true core of light before it can be made apparent to anyone else. Merely acknowledging that you are light and love is worthless until you clear the way for it to emerge.

When you concentrate on becoming this light, with your intention, it can blast through the darkness and materialize to those who accept that it exists and are not totally covered in negative darkness themselves. A soul arising from the third-dimensional muck will feel the light before it is ever visible to them. It will be felt as love being projected into their lives. They have the ability to absorb the positive energy and use it to clear some of their own negativity so that they may recognize the potential in reinforcing their own essence.

Each soul must make its own decisions and choices regarding its spiritual growth. While sending massive amounts of unconditional love into society may assist a small minority of people to accept that their journey is being directed by their decisions, it will have little effect upon the masses. No one can cause others to do anything they do not want to do. Providing love will not force people to give up their ego judgment unless they are ready.

Interpretation is everything

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters no matter where I work, I always have the same pattern; I start from important tasks and then I’m lowered to leftover tasks. I think I’m doing good work and doing my best with everything, yet this always happens. Is my role just to be a helper instead of a creative worker? Am I doing something wrong? I hate the idea I’d be left to do just leftover tasks without chances to advance in my career and learn new, my career going backwards. I’m devastated when I think that. It feels I didn’t come here to do that. ~Maarit, Finland

ANSWER: You need to step back and actually “see” what is occurring. You are an extremely conscientious worker and very insightful as to what needs to be done. Many have the ability to do difficult or important work from start to finish because they are following established protocols. Few have the ability to look at a partially completed task that someone has failed to successfully finish, pick it up where the other left off, and see what needs to be done to complete it expeditiously. You have this unusual talent and it is valued by your employers.

You are not being “lowered to leftovers” but, rather, put in a position to rescue projects that would be unfinished but for your intervention. In numerous instances you were able to complete the task only because you saw innovative methods for getting past the spot that stopped others in their tracks.

You are not doing anything wrong but everything right. All you need is to see what is really going on and to embrace this unique situation. In each instance you have convinced yourself that you received a “demotion” in job status. This is not the case. Start to examine these leftovers and create, and then document, a way that others may see what you see to stop being stuck and to be able to finish them.

Stop imagining that you are incapable of the fantastic work you are doing. Let yourself examine the true situation here and rejoice in the future possibilities for expanding everyone’s success rate.