Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category


Tuesday, August 16th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters what is this fear that I’m stuck in and can’t face? I am learning to trust and I know that gratitude is the answer – but there is something that prevents me, that says that I’m not worthy or capable. Deep feeling of being a victim – or is it something else?  I’m tired and scared of letting go. Controlling is the lesson but this fear just continues. What is the role of my mother and father? ~Anita, Finland

ANSWER: In the position you occupy at this time, you need to ask yourself: whom are you learning to trust, and to whom are you feeling gratitude? You are a soul having a human experience. As a soul, you are a piece of Source energy and have the same powers and abilities as Source. You have total freedom of choice to decide what your life will be like. If you need to trust anyone, it should be yourself and that part of your soul which is always there giving you support. Any gratitude should be for the fantastic job you allow yourself to do in order to learn while on Earth.

You haven’t dealt with your chosen lessons of lack of self-worth and self–confidence. You constantly allow yourself to think you cannot accomplish what is in front of you. What you fear letting go of is all the beliefs by which you have been restricted. Never be afraid to let go of non-serving beliefs. You have the freedom to choose how your life will be directed. The sense of being a victim comes from feeling you have no choices – in fact, you just haven’t exercised them yet.

Your parents are around to set up the part of your belief system that makes you feel so inferior. They are ultra-strong and controlling people, and that makes you believe you can never be free of their reach or match them in confidence. You don’t understand being controlled or manipulated. You allow a lot of people in your life to dictate to you for fear of the results if you decide for yourself rather than letting them call the shots.

When you can accept that you have all the powers and abilities of Source, and then believe and turn that belief into a knowing, you will be able to take responsibility for all aspects of your life. Increase that trust in yourself, that you are in charge. Be grateful that you can make decisions that comply with your wishes. Don’t do anything unless it feels totally right for you. Love yourself and this journey you are on.

How to love everyone

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I understand that we are supposed to learn unconditional love on Earth. But I find it difficult to love terrorists, pedophiles, animal abusers, etc. etc. Can you give me a clue – how we are supposed to love everybody and feel that we all are ONE. ~Irina, USA

ANSWER: Striving for unconditional physical love is the ideal and the epitome of spirituality while the soul is having a physical human experience. It is very difficult to reach that lofty state and few humans ever completely make it. You have to totally separate yourself from any judgment in order to accept everything another chooses to do in their life.

As a soul you come from a state of unconditional love and enter into a body to have the experience of non-perfect negative situations. In your conscious physical sense, you take examples and direction from those around you. The physical third dimension is controlled by the ego, which uses only judgment as its means of control – it forsakes ever opening to its emotions and feelings.

Whenever you judge something, you determine its worth to you in terms of right or wrong, good or bad. In spiritual practice there is no judgement. Nothing is right or wrong; it is just the exercise of what choices the soul has desired. One soul is nothing more than a witness for the lessons of all other souls sharing the planet with you. You can never understand what their sought lessons are by observing them in the midst of their existence. Only in conversing with them while you both are at Home in unconditional love can you start to appreciate why they did what they did while on Earth.

All souls originate from the same Source energy. All are exactly alike at their core essence. All are pieces of divine Source and perfect in all manners. All possess the powers and abilities of Source. All who choose to have a human incarnation do so to experience negative imperfection to see how well they can understand and learn from it.

The murderer, the terrorist, the abuser are all testing their reactions to what is considered, by other humans, as inhumanity to man. You are not expected to be able to reach a point of loving the human actor who is centered in physical callousness. What is desired is to see the soul inside and love the soul unconditionally regardless of the physical challenges it has selected.

The learning fields

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I have been told that my daughter came to earth only for a short time in order to heal from some traumatic previous lives; and that she chose me as her mother because she knew that I would help her resolve some of those past life issues. Is this correct? Did I help her heal some of the past-life traumas? Did she know pre-birth that her lives in the 1700s (France) and 1800s (Germany) would be so tragic or were the tragedies unplanned? If planned, what was their purpose? Why do we as souls choose to suffer in our lives? Why don’t we choose to learn with positive lessons? ~Luciana, Australia

ANSWER: Souls came into being in unconditional loving perfection. It is impossible to learn about negativity while remaining in that energy. It is only by facing negativity, recognizing it for what it is, and finding out how to choose the positive alternative that one gains spiritual wisdom. Positive lessons are part of the perfection.

Your daughter’s soul has had many lives and many lessons, both learned and uncompleted. She did come to finish some of the lessons she found too difficult in past lives. You are a member of her soul group and have shared a number of her former lives. You take turns assisting each other in your chosen tasks.

You “kept her on point” to work on lessons – both those continued from prior times and new ones chosen for this life only. Only she could do the necessary healing, but you provided love and motivation, enabling her to move forward.

A soul knows what it wishes to study in each life. It does not always pick the manner of that teaching, such as what you call her tragedies. Being an older, more experienced soul, she never chose to do anything in a gentle or easy fashion. Choose what to do, however it may be available, and then get it done.