Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Losing individuality after death

Tuesday, December 13th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I’ve been brought up in a spiritual household, my mum is a medium and a lot of what is on your site doesn’t alarm me as it’s just the way it is and excites me. It makes me want to make sure I’m living a true life to learn and grow spiritually. However, all this said, I can’t get my head around the thought that we are all a piece of the source, we are all individuals and this is what worries me, I don’t want to lose my own individual consciousness when I return to spirit and go back to my soul group or to the source. Is this the case? ~Jonathan, UK

ANSWER: Simply said, NO! Source is the point of origin of all souls, but you have a uniqueness because of the things you have chosen to do on your own since being broken off from Source. Think of it as if Source were your parent. You have all the same DNA from Mom and Dad that creates characteristics, but you are not them even if you live in the same house, share the same employment, and have the same hobbies and likes, because you have your individual experiences. Even identical twins are different because they are observing the world through their own eyes and ears and interpreting it based on their individual conclusions.

Returning Home (to Source) means only that you leave the third-dimensional duality and re-enter unconditional love. Rejoining Source or your soul group is like attending a school reunion – you all can’t wait to relate to the group what you have learned and experienced that now makes you different from the way you were before you parted.

Each soul has a record of everything they have ever done, which is called their akashic record. This reminds you of your differences from all the other souls. Source broke off souls so that it could find out what it was not. If the plan was to merge back into Source, it would still not be able to see what it was not because it would only see its own perfection within the unconditional love and not life within the duality of a mix of negative and positive.

One’s soul’s influence

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, you teach that on earth there’s always an equal balance of light/dark, all souls work on their chosen lessons within that continuum and from a spiritual perspective nothing is right/wrong, good/bad. You told me I had “identified all of the strengths a soul may exhibit within a human body” and that now ALL I have to DO is “live each day to the fullest, choosing what makes you happy.” I am very happy now, doing my best to choose joy every day. Thanks. However, I’ve also heard, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” Is the energy of one soul’s “happiness/joy” considered “enough” to balance a part of the worlds “darkness?” Is my current state of daily joy somehow
contributing to that balance of light/dark? What responsibility do “Older Souls” have to contribute to the world in some “positive/uplifting” way? ~Mary Anne, New Zealand

ANSWER: The quote you have cited is taken out of context. It is part of a teaching urging you to follow the speaker’s particular form of thinking and acting, and it plays into the belief that all men are their brothers’ keepers. It reflects third-dimensional, ego-based judgment.

It is not wrong for them and their followers, but you have skipped that whole “needed” experience in this life. In a spiritual sense it is not a true statement about the reasons souls come to Earth, since each soul is on their own journey and responsible only for their lessons.

There is not an equal amount of negative and positive for each soul. Some have chosen to have all negative energetic situations in their life, and others have chosen mostly positive – or all positive once they have completed their lessons. Your very presence is contributing to the balance of the Earth; you weigh in on the side of positivity to offset the negative – say, a fanatical tyrant.

Older souls are those who have chosen many lives in the duality in order to better understand the workings of freedom of choice and to master all aspects of certain of the traits that define a human existence. Your responsibility is to the lesson plan you constructed.

You may choose to assist others undergoing humanhood to become aware of the workings of their available choices. But unlike the preachers who show only one way (their way) to accomplish enlightenment, help others to see that what has worked for you might not be what is needed by them – that each has his/her own journey. You may also choose the path of witnessing where the choices of others have taken them. Between lives you sometimes spend your time being a recorder and historian of various paths being lived on Earth. See if that feels right as your contribution to the overall understanding of life in this duality. Don’t put the burden of others on your back. You have done your work.

Dreams and predetermination

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016


QUESTION: Masters lately, I have some dreams are premonitory! What does that exactly mean? We really do our choices or think we do? If you dream about something that has not happened in the physical, but is already registered somewhere in the universe, I can conclude that: regardless of my choices, what will happen is already defined? By whom? ~Luci, Brasil

ANSWER: Souls having human experiences are very powerful. Their manipulative abilities can be staggering. You have an idea of the things you planned on doing before you came into your body, and all that information is in your subconscious, which is very active during the body’s sleep cycle. While unconscious, you are acting out the things you wish to come into your conscious knowledge.

Also, the power that a soul puts into its visualizations, sometimes during dreams, spills into the universe and calls that particular energy to them. In other words, you see what you wish to have happen, and that is what you create with your energy. You will sometimes “try out” an experience in a dream state to see if it is really what you desire to occur.

The soul still has total freedom of choice. The determination of your “future” is up to each one of you. It is possible that, after trying out a scenario, your soul will decide it really doesn’t need to experience it and will change the whole event or just the parts in which you are no longer interested. There is no predestination of any situations you bring to yourself in order to gain knowledge and wisdom.

Each and every soul creates its own reality. Some choose to do it with no “bleed over” from unconscious to conscious knowledge, and others have such a desire to “know” what is going to happen that they wish to micro-manage every step of their existence.

It is possible for those who tap into the unconscious energy of the higher self to also enter the processing that others around them are doing. You then become aware of the planning procedures being undertaken by friends and neighbors. This appears that you are getting a preview of coming attractions for the world – but it is always coming from the individual lives being lived near you.