Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Resetting your soul to null

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters regarding the galactic central sun, it is said that it has the power to reset a soul back to a blank slate so that the soul can start the reincarnation evolutionary process over again. Some souls of their own free will have asked if they can go to the central sun to have their souls reset. How can a soul travel to the galactic central sun to be reset? Would you suggest meditating on the concept, such as meditating on travelling to the center of the galaxy, seeing the black hole there, then travelling into it and having your frequency identity stripped away and reset? What does this process feel like? It would be beneficial if we could form a group of souls, “pilgrims”, who could collectively meditate upon this and, when our time comes, we could travel there together to have our souls reset. ~Sigmund, USA

ANSWER: A soul is a nonphysical, energetic, amorphous cloud that enters into a physical body in order to have experiences within the duality of Earth. It is eternal, can be partially in several places at once as it chooses, and remembers everything it has chosen to experience. The mythical galactic central sun, if it existed, would be contained within a physical world. Physical worlds are illusionary, being constructed by each soul, frequently in conjunction with others, to allow them to learn the lessons they desire through the experiences they draw to themselves.

A soul does not need to be blanked out to a clear slate since each time it incarnates; it has amnesia for everything it has previously encountered – unless it chooses to have some bleed over from past existences. Each soul can have a complete disconnect from any past if it chooses, so there is no need to wipe away its history. Would you choose to forget how to do arithmetic after learning it in grammar school? This would then prevent you from learning geometry or algebra in high school since you have no basis for advanced knowledge.

Your various suggestions for going to this unknown location are a means to accomplishing astral projection, remote viewing, or bi-location. The only problem for your soul is that each and every one of these practices involves the physical body and mind only and not the eternal soul. And even if the physical body “took” the soul that animates it along for the ride, that is not the entirety of the soul. A piece is always in the unconditional love of Home with Source energy, and other pieces may be elsewhere as the soul chooses.

Why don’t you try using your travel methods to go to Source, in the unconditional love, and talk with the souls there about your ideas of a “hard-drive wipe”? Get a perspective from an eternal soul about your ideas instead of just hearing the opinions of physical, ego-judgmental, Earth-bound, existing-in-duality human beings.

Innate abilities

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, could you explain to me a little more about my sensibility? When I am concentrating on helping others, it is easy for me to see, know and to see the paths that can help others. Am I a wayshower? This voice in my head when I ask something they are my mentors? Did I accept to come with these abilities to help others here on Earth? Can I use this as a work? ~Fran, Canada

ANSWER: All souls are pieces of Source energy and have the same powers and abilities. Most either do not accept that they have these powers, don’t know they do, or think it is too much trouble to develop them within their current lifetime. Before planning each incarnation, a soul will decide just how much of their innate abilities they wish to use in the upcoming life. You have spent many different lives using the same powers and others that you recognize at this time.

Way showers are souls who demonstrate a particular pattern of behavior or beliefs so that others might see and experiment with the same abilities. That does not describe you. You are just using your powers, not trying to teach others how to use the same faculties.

What you are doing is tapping into the energies around you and others and identifying the characteristics that are present, thereby being able to help others to understand what they can do with the potential. You help to steer some to learn, and others to understand, what energy patterns they have drawn to themselves.

This is something you chose as an extension of the other lessons you have worked on in this life. You are hearing your Higher Self, that section of your soul which resides in the unconscious part of your mind. Your guides are also contributing some useful information with which to direct your interaction with others.

What you do with this ever-developing ability, which is becoming more and more apparent, is up to you. It is possible to provide assistance to others using this ability alone, or you can do some other type of counseling and incorporate these factors. They also work very well as an addition to any type of alternative healing, body work, or spiritual teaching. The possibilities are unlimited and as abundant as you wish to explore.

Balancing body and soul

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters. I would like to know how to awaken my soul, my cosmic consciousness, because I feel a great wall between my present life, with all the responsibilities, commitments and my true spiritual reality, my true freedom. Sometimes I get confused, divided and feel that there is no definitive way that can completely change my life since from my point of view about everything, even my senses and perceptions about the spiritual world. My relationships with people are usually good, although with my girlfriend is hard, by her way to be, no talking, always hiding your feelings, fighting when she wants to do it. With everything that I exposed, what would be the right to do? What way to follow, concealing that realities? ~Costasant, Brazil

ANSWER: You are a spiritual soul, a nonjudgmental, unconditionally loving essence, who chose to come into the third-dimensional duality where everything is rated, graded, and judged, completely controlled by an ego mind. To unite with your spiritual self, you have to give up the ego and embrace the love. Forego judgment, flee the negative energies, and become a witness for the lessons of others.

Your girlfriend is an example of someone totally involved in existing within her ego. She is constantly fighting all the negative energies around her. She fashions her behavior on the society around her that embraces judgmental negativity. Her vibration (enlightenment) has not even begun, and in her presence, you feel a pulling down into the turmoil of the negative physical world.

It may be difficult to shed all semblances of ego when you are in the human world, but it is a choice that can be made. Since unity with your spiritual self will never be attained in the presence of negativity, upon which the ego thrives, it is imperative to take all negative energies around you, identify them, and seek the positive, loving alternative.

The wall you feel is the negative energy that bars you from positivity. Freeing yourself from third-dimensional negativity allows you to float into the positive cosmic consciousness, joining in the unconditional love. That is the pathway you seek. The choice is yours. It requires work because you first have to recognize the beliefs you have been living by that embrace negative ideals, and then turn toward only positive thoughts and actions.