Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

The reason for incarnation

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I am confused about our purpose for a life on earth: I understand we are here to experience things that we cannot experience anywhere but the duality of earth. But since souls live in only total and complete love, why are we expected to “work through or resolve” the negative feelings we experience? It isn’t enough to go through negativity and just deal with these situations the best you can while here? I mean, sometimes there is no resolution other than to put people out of your life. Is that in itself learning or resolution? ~Robi, US

ANSWER: Source was all alone and existed in perfection. He/she/it wondered what was the opposite of its own perfection, so pieces (souls) were broken off to get answers. Since everything that existed at that time was unconditional love (that is, all positive with no negativity at all), planet Earth was created to be a place where opposites existed, and creatures populating it could choose a positive or negative experience.

Once a soul enters a body and comes to Earth, it doesn’t remember that it exists in unconditionally loving perfection when not in this domain. We say that the soul is having a human experience in which it is subjected to the rules and regulations comprising the duality of its chosen home and must find the unconditionally loving energy at its core in order to “feel” it.

We call this place of duality the third dimension; it is ruled by the ego with everything being graded, rated, and judged. Souls make the choice to come to Earth to see if they can figure out the lessons they have chosen. It is impossible to work on lessons deciding between negative and positive choices while in the arena of love, because no negativity is available there; all lessons are set in negativity because that is the opposite of love and perfection. If one has never lived in the arctic or the desert, they do not know what it is to freeze or boil.

Just acknowledging the chosen lesson and dealing with it the best way you can does not give you an understanding of all the things in your life that it affects. It is only by resolving the issue through choosing its opposite (positive) activity that you can gain the wisdom of the situation and never have to repeat it in this, or any other, lifetime.

The many faces of your soul

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I wonder about parallel things; so when I write this, in this reality, am I the myself and how do the parallels, realities, and myselfs think in this moment? Are we all just One or do we all think that ourselves are the only one? How does this impact to all parallel existences myself when I focus on things such as the Violet fire and unconditional love? And is the de ja vu sensations because of changing from one reality to another parallel reality? How is this affected by the fact we are all One? ~Pekka, Finland

ANSWER: Your essence is that of energy. What you are aware of in this moment, your human body, is the conscious focus of your present. Looking to the side, away from this reality, you may partake in any of the other facets of the moment, a time shift you choose to enter, or another existence in the past, present, or future from this Earth moment in time.

Everything is energy and energy is everything. There is physical substance to something only if you believe there is and create it as part of your reality. You are aware of the fact that things in the physical plane are composed of molecules, which are mostly space – atoms circling a core. Without being configured by your consciousness, those molecules spin and join the rest of the energy around you and are not perceptible as a chair, a road, a person, or a blade of grass.

There is only one YOU. It is the soul itself that chooses what to perceive at what time. You have the ability to focus on whatever draws your attention at the moment. Everything you have ever done or experienced is a part of your memories. You may continue to explore where you have placed a physical aspect of yourself or let your consciousness wander off to relive and experience something else.

The soul is not bound by any of the laws of physics, or consigned to remain physical. When you go voyaging, you may do so and project a physical countenance or remain as an energetic shadow such as you do when dreaming, remote viewing, or astral projecting.

All souls are part of the energy of Source, so you may say they are all one. However, each piece that was broken off from Source has had its own experiences, and therefore its memories vary from those of others by the choices it has made. There is a collective memory, like an encyclopedia, wherein are recorded all the interactions of all the pieces of Source, and any soul may go and peruse that at will.

The record of each soul’s experiences is like a disc where all your accomplishments are saved. It may be viewed as parallel existences since you may hop from one to another merely by focusing on a particular part of the inscription.

The main difficulty you are having with these concepts is the limitation of being human. Your knowledge is limited to experiences that this physical body has gone through. To appreciate what a fantastic ability your soul affords you while still human, you need to let your body go during meditation, hypnosis, or conscious travel and let your higher self, or soul, instruct you.

Suicide pact

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters what happens when two people decide to commit suicide together? Do each continue to pass to his/her respective realm where the individual’s frequency matches? Do the souls undergo their transition together since the underlying reason would be to remain united in the afterlife? There is limited literature available in this area as such. ~Anonymous, New Zealand

ANSWER: There is limited literature because few have ever talked to souls after they have undergone such a transition. When souls decide to disengage from their human shell and go back to their essential energetic form, they return to their point of origin, or the unconditional love of Source energy, though they do have the option, after jumping out of their bodies, to remain in the duality of the planet until they allow themselves to return Home.

All souls are from the same Source, vibration, realm, whatever you wish to call it. Two souls from Earth could choose to immediately go to Source or to stay somewhere in between to try to accomplish something they were unable to do in their human existence. They may maintain memories of why they are there or not. Without a body, they would not have their emotions, sensations, or the ability to touch anything physical.

Once out of their human container, the life they lived on Earth means nothing to them but lessons experienced and possibly learned. Lovers, family, friends, and enemies are all looked at the same – just other souls who have also spent time seeing if they can learn about their powers and abilities while in human form. A pact made on Earth is a physical thing and not binding on the soul.

If the souls chose to leave to redo what they felt they were unable to do in that lifetime, they would probably return and start all over again. However, it would be rare for them to do it with each other because the union may have been what caused them not to succeed with their lessons.

Earthly doubts and fears point to the lessons you desired to learn. If you find them overwhelming, it is time to tear into them and find out what is at the bottom of the problem. Each soul is on a singular journey that only that soul, without any connection with another, can decipher.

But, in the spiritual sense, there is no right or wrong way to handle a human existence. Before doing anything else, get out of your head, disregard the thoughts of others, and see how your intended actions “feel” to you.