Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Dealing with sensitivities and awareness

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, during my spiritual process I have started to feel energy in different ways. I can feel what other people are thinking; what kind of energy they are sending, what they feel; and their emotional blockages. I don’t know how to handle this kind of information. Most people don’t understand what they think is energy and that someone can read it. Some people are very negative and send negative energy for others. How can I handle this? I can’t carry every problem. How can I be connecting in unconditional love and at the same time I can feel people suffering? Could you please help me in my situation? ~Niina, Finland

ANSWER: You are what is known as a sensitive empathic individual. This is something that you hone during your lifetime depending on the amount of time you put into working within energy. This is a pattern of behavior you have developed over several incarnations, primarily to be able to assist others to understand who and what they are and to work through their life lessons.

Trying to get others to know what energy is, and that theirs can be “read” by another, is outside the comprehension of most people unless they have done spiritual work into the essence of the soul. But they do not have to understand the principles in order to be helped by one capable of using energy.

You exist within a duality, so it stands to reason that you would be surrounded by negativity as well as positive loving energy. With your sensitivity, it is possible to block the negativity from having any impact upon you by using your intention to do so.

No one can help another unless they are willing to be helped, so don’t feel you have to be vested in the outcome of your work. Do your utmost and let the client decide where they want the results to lead.

Part of your spiritual path is to remove yourself from ego judgment so that you may step back and not be affected by the suffering of other people. You are witnessing the lessons they have chosen. Send them love that they might find the direction they need to progress through the work they chose. Stay in your unconditional love and share the feeling with them that they will desire to work toward that end.

Adventures of the soul

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, sorry if this question has already been answered. Has a soul only incarnated into human bodies or have they incarnated elsewhere before Earth was here when first broken from source. Were they also with dinosaurs for knowledge? ~Ray, England

ANSWER: The term incarnation refers to the process of a soul’s embedding itself into the flesh of a homo sapiens or human. Souls have chosen to have additional experiences to the ones available to them on Earth where their form is other than humanoid. Before the whole “duality” learning experience was established, as it exists at this time, souls wandered around having other knowledge-gathering journeys. And they continue today to explore other places and other abilities.

One of the things that souls have chosen to undertake is inhabiting the body of what we call animals. These animals may be the ones we are familiar with if they are on Earth, or they may be something foreign to us if the occupying takes place elsewhere.

There are many species of animals that did not first occupy planet Earth but came to it during the evolution of the planet. For instance, whales and dolphins first resided in places where they were both known for their historical gathering. They were the encyclopedias and intellectuals, so to speak, for the universe. They came to Earth to continue that work and record the great duality experiment.

Dinosaurs and other now-extinct reptiles, amphibians, and birds sometimes harbored a soul if the soul desired such an experience, but were mostly animated by sparks of life to see how living on the planet took place and to study evolutionary processes.

The majority of souls have chosen only human lives and have never gone to other planetary locations or been inside an animal on Earth. They take seriously the job of working in the duality to assist Source in finding out about its essence and what it is not – although there is no requirement for any soul to do any particular thing with their “lives.”

The origin of everything

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I have been wondering that if everything is coming from “home” and we are all going to get back there some day, what will happen with all that negative energy? Will it come “home” too? ~Tuuli, Finland

ANSWER: Everything that exists anywhere originated from the Source, Creator, god, or however you wish to refer to it. Once the souls are broken off so that Source can experiment and find out the opposite of perfection and what it actually is, that is where its direct influence in each individual’s future ceases.

Home is a realm of unconditional love where no negativity at all can exist. Earth was created as an environment composed of equal parts negativity and positivity. It is unique in exhibiting those characteristics. Negativity does not survive anywhere but in that plane, so that once a soul has decided to return Home, it can expect to enjoy nothing but positive, unconditional love.

The balance of positive and negative remains the same on Earth, whereas if sections of it were bled off with each departure, there would never be an equilibrium. Not all of the negativity has to exist in the incarnate bodies; those who have left their bodies (died) but do not yet wish to go Home stay around mostly to maintain contact with negativity. Therefore, that part of the negative division is in the nonphysical – but Earthbound – realm, with spirits called discarnates.

Discarnates are sometimes called dark spirits and try to influence those still in body to help them get revenge from someone still in physical form. They frequently do not know that they have died so they revel in maintaining their negativity. These can turn into ghosts or poltergeists, which haunt living souls to accomplish what they were unable to complete before they died.

Once the ghost, discarnate, or wayward soul decides to return Home, they cannot do so until they release all the negativity they are holding. That negative energy is then absorbed into a soul who is seeking it. This returns the negative energy to the physical form and also maintains the 50/50 balance.