Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Is peace and joy enough?

Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, I have reached a point in my spiritual journey that is very peaceful and joyful. I spend my days very much the same, I love my simple life. I rarely think about the past now; my main focus is the now and sometimes the future. I feel very distant, mentally and emotionally, from the world at large, despite living in the center of a big city. My question: is my focus on my inner peace keeping me from experiences my soul chose to have? I fear being too much in my comfort zone. I have no great dreams or desires other than to Be and feel all the love our cosmic family is sending us. Is being peaceful and joyful enough? ~Gisela, Brazil

ANSWER: A soul comes into a human body to discover who they are as a piece of Source. Source is unconditional love, the epitome of self-love, and exists in perfection. This “knowing” is accomplished by working through the difficulties you came to experience and from which you learn.

When humans have dealt with all the lessons they came to learn, they have choices. These possibilities include continuing to utilize the wisdom they have gathered through their lessons to take full advantage of the abilities and powers they possess, such as creativity, manifestation, and living in love within the negativity of Earth. Or they may become way showers to teach others the path of enlightenment, or return Home to plan another lifetime with even more lessons.

What your soul has decided it wishes to experience will be drawn into your daily life with or without your intervention. Lessons still not finished? The circumstances setting one up will be right in front of you. Practicing spending your time in the now puts you front and center to immediately begin working through the issues you want to understand.

This journey that a soul undertakes is a solo affair. The lessons chosen belong to that soul alone. There is nothing that says you have to be connected or interact with anyone else who may be sharing the planet with you at this time. Even living in the middle of the positive/negative dichotomy, there is no need to partake.

Some comfort zones are areas one enters to not have to deal with their chosen teachings. Your comfort zone is a lesson-free oasis in which you have brought the unconditional love you drew to you through rejecting negativity for an entire life of positive energy.

Relax, enjoy. You are not missing anything you chose to do in this life.

Reviewing choice = life lesson

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I’m writing for advice for my friend and would like to know what her lessons in this life are so that I may give her some guidance and help her through this traumatic time. I am very aware of who we are and she is always having experiences of a spiritual kind. She is having a terrible time with her ex-partner who is stalking her and basically ruining her life. It’s like something out of a TV drama. She’s gone from a very strong lady to feeling her life is crumbling. Before this partner she also had a bad experience with her previous partner who was a conman. We joke about her attracting these kinds of people. Did she have a contract with both these people and is it a balance of karma from a previous life or what is her lesson theme so that she may help break this pattern of choosing the wrong man. ~Jo, UK

ANSWER: A soul comes to Earth to work through the lessons they have chosen; if we tell you what those lessons are, you will not do the work necessary to discover them and therefore not learn. We can tell you that those things which bring fear and doubts into a life are lessons – so you already are aware of several of these. These are not the result of agreements between the parties but the universe answering her desire to work through these events as lessons.

Loving oneself always helps with working through daily difficulties. Everyone’s primary lesson is to accept who they actually are as a piece of Source with all the powers and abilities that contains. When one deals with the same type of difficulty over and over, they didn’t understand the reason it was present the first or second time.

Your friend is so desperate to be loved that she shapes her behavior to match what she thinks the suitor is looking for. In the beginning, any problems in the relationship she attributes to herself and not being what the man desires. She never speaks or acts her truth. This is giving all her power over to the partner and allowing them to think that they have control over her, which has resulted in his assuming she wants him to continue to control the situation.

Her loss of confidence has to do with her still blaming herself for his actions. If she reexamines who she is, allows her innate powers to come forward, and starts to trust her intuition more, life will be totally different.

Why do perfect souls need hell on Earth?

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, I have a huge lack of understanding. If, as souls, we are perfect already why do we still need physical lives on Earth to learn something? As humans it seems to be the ego/personality who makes the choices in life – those choices are not free as far as personalities do them. What are the soul plans done for? Please, could you explain all this to us. ~Jaana, Finland

ANSWER: “Perfect” does not mean that you know what imperfect consists of. If you have always lived in a temperate climate, you do not know what it is to be caught in a freezing ice storm. Source created souls so that they could come to Earth and experience the opposite of perfection so that it might better understand its own magnificence.

It is only the essence of the soul, that part residing in the unconditional love of Source, which is perfect. Once coming into the duality of Earth, with your selected life lessons, you find yourself in as much negativity as positivity, and any recognition of perfection is not visible.

You don’t have to come; it is your choice whether or not to leave Home and experiment with gaining wisdom on Earth. Once entering into the duality, you are correct: you find that the ego is king. Negativity exists under the guise of a judgment-rich environment. It is through these choices or judgments that the soul has the ability to learn its lessons and add to the knowledge of Source and the universe.

Souls have total freedom of choice if they recognize that they do. You don’t realize you have a choice if you follow all the mandates of society and never ask yourself how you feel about an action but merely do what everyone else does. Until you can step away from always judging everything, which is the custom of mankind, you are not in a position to learn anything.

Accepting that you don’t need to judge everything is the first big insight into what perfection can be from the Earthly perspective. This may manifest as a desire to simply exist without comparing, rating, or grading yourself against anything else.

The spiritual journey is a solo affair where each soul makes its own evaluations about what they are doing and what they now understand that they didn’t before. So “buying into” society’s patterns and activities deprives one of learning that for which they came. All the choices each soul makes within the duality allows others, including Source, to see whether it is something they evaluate to be perfect or not.