Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Life, birth and souls

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters, I have recently learned that I am a mother to 6 children and not the 5 I gave birth to. This additional life lasted only weeks and I was not aware of a life at that time. But this soul is close to me now, which is beautiful. Did I choose to have so many children before I arrived this time? Also, presumably, when a woman is pregnant, there are 2 or more souls resident in the same physical body? ~Jane, UK

ANSWER: You chose to be a teacher for a large number of children and could have accomplished that by having a large family and/or being a teacher of other children as well. Once you started having your own, it resonated with you and you found great pleasure and satisfaction directing the paths of your progeny.

The soul who decided, after marking you as its mother, not to come to Earth at that time hangs around you for the same reasons that it chose you in the first place. It loves your energy and the way you interact with everyone. It is learning vicariously through your other children what life could have been like. Observation is one way of deciding if you want to try a situation yourself.

You are correct that two souls (or more with multiple births) are harbored by the mother’s body when she is pregnant. They are not, however, part of the mother – she is just providing shelter for them while the fetus develops. It is similar to a family all being within the same house, which does not mean they share the same body, just the outer protection.

When a soul decides to come to Earth (incarnate), they choose biological parents and the other environmental characteristics the couple provide that will allow them to have the experiences they have chosen for that lifetime. When the sperm merges with an ovum, the soul attaches a cord to the developing fetus. It will rarely completely enter the confines of the body until the later stages of gestation or immediately during the birthing process.

During the nine months of growth, the baby will spend time at Home saying goodbye to friends and associates, watching what their new family is doing, and getting acclimated to a human body. The entirety of the soul never enters the physical realm. Some aspects always remain at Home in the unconditional love of Source. This is one reason that people do not have total awareness of all their past experiences.

Spiritual crisis

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters. I’m going through a so called spiritual crisis for the first time in my spiritual path. This feeling is paradoxical. I have lost my interest in all spiritual stuff which has been important for me; channelings, tarot, astrology, gemstones, twin flames etc. I’m questioning everything. Except at the same time I’m noticing that the only person whom I can trust is me. The more I’m giving up hope about everything the more I’m finding truth within myself. What is going on? Is this something every spiritual people has to face during their spiritual journey? ~Galathea, Finland

ANSWER: Being spiritual does not mean that you have to be involved in what some circles believe is an indication of spirituality, such as the things you have mentioned. Since every soul’s purpose in coming to Earth is to recognize the nature of their true essence, spirituality needs nothing outside of an inner dialogue with oneself – which is exactly what you find yourself doing.

A person’s reality is formed by the beliefs they trust. Yours at this time have turned to the realization that the only truly important aspect of a human life is to feel your soul’s energy and to use that to interpret the rest of the things around you. You are following what resonates with you because that is you.

The sense that you are giving up “hope” in things is the act of stepping away from the expectations you had accepted from the ideas of others that these things were necessary to find enlightenment. No two souls find their way in exactly the same fashion, so the expectations of others do not bring you wisdom.

Some people never reach the point you are at right now, because they will not allow themselves to depart from the step-by-step formula most groups demand as a necessity for spiritual growth. There are many ways to progress along the path, but the majority of souls need some type of spiritual crisis to stop being lemmings in the pack and be able to strip themselves of the belief systems that have always controlled their life.

The ultimate stripping of old beliefs can result in what is called the dark night of the soul. That is a point where the person’s entire life is affected and they drop into a deep depression. At this point, the soul’s whole life has to be wiped clean and decisions concerning all aspects of living have to be re-determined. You have a clearer idea and feeling for this life, so it is not necessary for you to start over completely.

Physical and nonphysical possibilities

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters if a lady whilst incarnate longed to experience having a child of her own, but was unable to fulfil this dream in her lifetime on earth, would it still be possible for her to realize this dream once back home in Spirit? ~David, England

ANSWER: The soul is very powerful and controls its environment via intention. If a woman desperately wants to have a child during a human incarnation, there are many ways this can be accomplished besides normal self-gestation. It is the mind alone that creates a distinction between the child’s being “her own” or just a possession she picked up along the way.

If she gets a child in other than the “normal” male/female route, she can visualize, either through meditation or hypnosis, going through the entire process. She can experience her body swelling, soreness, bladder control problems, lack of sleep, and getting kicked from the inside – and even childbirth with the accompanying pain.

A difficulty in getting pregnant during a lifetime can have something to do with the life lessons the person has chosen. These decisions are made prior to coming to Earth. Once the soul returns to the realm of unconditional love, they do not have a defined sex and rarely choose to maintain a physical-appearing body because there are too many problems with keeping it functioning like a body on Earth. It is also very restrictive since it limits the soul from splitting itself to be in more than one place at a time. The essence of the soul is amorphous energy without form. In other words, no, it would not be possible to realize a physical action in the nonphysical plane.

The lady would be able to plan out a subsequent life involving one or more “normal” pregnancies, deliveries, and raising of children. An alternative would be for her soul to “walk in” to a body that another soul is leaving while it is in a position of childbirth. Another possibility would be to spend a short time assuming the role of a woman having a child. The opportunities are all only available while incarnate in a human body.