Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Can next life only be in the future?

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, please, advise me. Can a soul incarnate into a life in the distant past or into a life in the distant future? I understand that time is only relevant here on earth, but I cannot see why a soul would need to incarnate in the past or future. ~David, UK

ANSWER: From a soul perspective there is no past or future; everything exists at the same time. A soul has total freedom to choose what it wishes to experience, and that choice of experience will determine the particular Earth time it chooses.

The major objective for someone might be to experience a joint project with others, such as a natural disaster or societal upheaval. The person may be following up on a series of lessons all concentrated in one area, such as abuse. They may be abuser or abused in different situations. This is to get a feeling for all aspects of the activity in order to “master” the concept. It may involve just them and the people they meet on the planet, or it may be an agreement with another soul or that they desire to enter a family where the action is practiced.

Planetary time varies with the evolution the Earth has seen in its linear journey. If a soul wishes to experience something that only occurred at a certain time on Earth, they would then enter a body during that time. Many people, for example, have wanted to be on the Earth when Jesus lived so that they might feel the intensity of his energy and witness the power and abilities they all possess as souls. For others, particularly if they are interested in military experiences, they may choose to hop from conflict to conflict learning about different weaponry and tactics.

A soul doesn’t have any “need” to do anything – it is just their desire that dictates their movements, and there are no restrictions on what they might be.

What is spiritual “balance”?

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I have gained some understanding of the importance of intention in creating reality, seeking out that which resonates, loving oneself and others, and simply just “living one’s life”. Associated with this are the many small and large challenges and deviations presented on one’s Earthly existence and path. Can you please share your perspective on “balance” in relation to Earthly duality, soul development and the way this plays out across multiple energy dimensions? ~Ecca, Australia

ANSWER: A soul comes to Earth from the state of unconditional love (its essence) into the duality of positive and negative so that it might test itself and learn various lessons and learn about the composition of itself as a soul. The “balance” you speak of is only necessary within the duality. At Home there is nothing but positive, unconditional love.

The challenges you refer to are the lessons with which the soul previously chose to deal. Some are minor difficulties, easy for the person to choose their preference of positive or negative, and others are major characteristics with which they need to struggle to reach a degree of understanding.

There is not a “set” balance in dealing with life lessons because each person works at their own speed in first recognizing something as a lesson and then getting to work understanding it and gaining its wisdom. Since all souls come with the intention of becoming aware of their essence as pieces of Source, with all the powers and abilities that entails, you might say they are attempting to reach a balance of fifth-dimensional energy (all positive, no negative) and third-dimensional energies (a mixture of negative and positive) while existing within the realm of the third dimension.

As you can see, a number of your commonly used words in the ego-judgmental third dimension do not equate to the concepts of the higher dimensions. “Balance” is one of them. You have to have opposing elements to create a balance, such as the positive and negative aspects of something. At the same time, when you have only positive energy with no opposing force, you can only “balance” it against itself.

Kundalini affected by meditation

Tuesday, December 26th, 2017

QUESTION: Masters I’m practicing more meditation in order to put my life in to balance as sometimes I feel like I need to phase out from this reality to calm and clear my head. But I’ve got a good question for you,  when I relax I can give myself  goosebumps through breath control also doing that I feel there is a rising chill from my spine towards to my head (comfortable and relaxing sometimes feeling tickly as well 🙂 ) going up from bottom of my body, Did I achieve something that I didn’t know? Its helping a lot, mainly to make decisions in my career and progress so I would like to say that thank you in advance. ~Matty, UK

ANSWER: Removing oneself from the reality of the third dimension, with all its negativity, is necessary in order to connect with the essence of your soul, which is unconditional love. You have started a practice that rids you of all negativity, allowing you total control over the energy that surrounds your physical body.

Within the body is an energy called the kundalini, which is your pure essence or love. Most souls having a physical experience never learn to activate this flow, which is coiled near the root chakra and can rise up to the crown chakra to sensitize the whole physical body to unconditional love. In this state there is no negativity, and nothing interferes with being in the presence of Source energy.

This Source energy allows you to use all the powers and abilities that being a piece of Source affords you. You have seen the results with being able to “feel” what is needed by you and manufacturing success as never before possible. Continue with this meditation and envision what else you want your life to develop into. You are creating the reality in which you are living now. Keep going.