Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Path of enlightenment

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, once enlightenment occurs … is it a possibility that it can be reversed and one’s soul vibration can decrease below the 7th dimension and reach lower dimensions? Or is that just for functioning in the gross world? ~Jaskaran, India

ANSWER: “Enlightenment” for a soul having a human experience means getting an awareness of their true essence as a piece of Source energy and then using that to complete the lessons they chose for this incarnation. To talk about seven or even an endless number of dimensions is to engage in ego judgment, which occurs only within the duality of the Earth plane.

The main element of enlightenment on Earth is to step away from judgment, which is the urge to rate, grade, or judge the actions in which you engage. The goal is to be free of negativity and embrace positive, loving energy, thus going from judging into evaluating. The only questions then become: Is this something from which I can learn? and Do I desire that experience?

We teach a simplistically understandable transition. The third dimension is completely physical and has all the human characteristics of height, width, and breadth within a dualistic environment, so the soul may learn by the choices they make. The fourth dimension is still physical (so contact with negativity is still possible) but with the possibility of touching the nonphysical, where negativity does not exist and all is pure unconditional love. The fifth dimension is the realm of Source, and only unconditionally loving energy abides.

If you question whether someone who has shed negativity may revert back to its use, the answer is yes. Do they forget what it is like to be in positive loving energy? The answer is no, but they have the choice to experience what they desire. Can one go from the nonphysical to the physical? No, not in the same body – but yes, through reincarnation in another body.


Soul and consciousness

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters as far as I understand, my Higher Self is limitless, unmanifested Consciousness. Living with this body, mind and limited senses is like living in the prison. Why is that? What is the difference between Soul and Consciousness? ~Kaarina, Finland

ANSWER: A definition of “consciousness” has been the life work of many philosophers, theologians, and spiritualists. They all tend to agree that it denotes a type of awareness, but on an awareness of what, and in what state, they diverge. This is another case where we have been asked to use your limited Earthly language to describe something that transcends physical oral communications and can mean different things in different arenas.

To the human being, consciousness can mean an awakeness of the functioning body as opposed to a comatose state. This involves the physical aspects of self only. Philosophically, it extends to the mental faculties as used in thought and feeling, but here again, that is in the physical realm. In a spiritual sense, it generally connotes an awareness of the nonphysical essence of self, or the soul. This goes beyond the physical body and includes everything that the body and soul are and can be.

As for the term “soul,” most would agree that it refers to the energetic essence that broke off, and was individualized, from Source for the purpose of gaining wisdom. The soul is nonphysical in and of itself but has the ability to inhabit a physical shell or body. “Higher self” is the term many apply to the amount of the soul’s essence that is within the human body, communicates with both the physical and nonphysical aspects, and has access to the universal consciousness.

The human aspects of the soul’s Earth journey are restrictive and limiting because humans generally can access and utilize only the amount of knowledge or awareness that they have self-experienced during the present lifetime. But this limitation is actually the reason that human existence can permit the gathering of wisdom through mastering life lessons.

When one becomes conscious of their essence, they tap into all the knowledge they have gathered over many lifetimes. They understand the nature of a soul and yearn for the freedom that escape from the restrictive body can allow. This is the stage in which you find yourself – you understand the possibilities of existing as your true self.

The workings of the soul

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

QUESTION: Masters why must souls learn from being on earth, when there are so many souls “at Home” that could give lessons and teach about any issue? Do souls feel pain, or is it only the physical ego who can feel it? Is “my soul ” willing to reach out to my ego and set up a meeting? ~Kjetil, Norway

ANSWER: Souls come to Earth so that they may work through understanding who they are and what powers and abilities they possess. Those who are at Home can share how it was for them, but since each person learns differently, it may not mean much to the student.

It’s very much like running a marathon or participating in an athletic competition. You can watch others do it, you can read all about the various stages the body needs to go through, and you can visualize the event. But unless and until you physically experience the preparation, the exertion, the difficulties, and the triumph of success or the pain of failure, you will never truly know what it is like. A soul does not gain the wisdom of the opposite of perfection until they have experienced it for themselves.

When not having a human experience within a body, souls are amorphous clouds of energy with no nerve endings, physical emotions, or exposure to negativity. Of course, there is also no ego because that is the purview of the duality on Earth. So, the soul has no pain.

Your soul is the unconscious habitat of your higher self. Your ego is the judgmental mental musings of a physical body. Ego exists only within the duality because negativity is needed to use its tools of judging, rating, and grading everything. It is very difficult for a soul or higher self to deal with a mind that is controlled by ego, since the soul is positive, unconditional love only, and the ego requires negativity to function.

Spiritual enlightenment can occur only when the human releases ego’s hold over its being and resides in positive energy – where the only tool is evaluation, and nothing is determined to be “right” or “wrong.”