Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Why work so hard?

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters is there any point in striving for enlightenment and ‘raising the vibration’ of the world and everyone in it? Sometimes I feel like I am seeing things from the wrong perspective. In a prior message you wrote that there will never be a golden age because that is not the point of Earth. It is 50/50 positive and negative and always will be. Does this mean just to relax, enjoy my life and stop trying to ‘perfect myself’ and somehow try to ‘save the world’ or drastically improve it? ~Sara, United States

ANSWER: When we were asked about a “golden age for planet Earth,” we responded that it will never occur because of the perpetual balance of negative and positive energies. That does not mean that individuals may not experience their own “golden age,” because that is what becoming enlightened and aware of their true essence allows them.

Recognizing and accepting one’s own powers and abilities, which spring from the Source energy of which they are composed, places a soul in a state of unconditional love, perfection, and bliss. If you do not desire to be able to reach such a place in this lifetime, then stop your search for a connection to the vibration of unconditional love.

What is confusing your journey is the need and desire to bring others along with you – to raise the whole planet along with yourself. It is impossible to cause another to do anything they do not wish to do or to go anywhere they do not wish to go.

Each soul’s journey is a singular voyage for their own education. Society confuses things by talking about service to others or bringing the whole planet along on one’s journey of spiritual growth. You have no such obligation as it would never work anyway.

The most you can do to change other people’s direction is to give them examples of how it has worked for you and what the accomplishment feels like. This will give them a desire to attempt their own elevation, if they are so inclined.

Nothing is right or wrong in a spiritual sense. What you choose to do is completely within your freedom of choice; there are no requirements to do anything you don’t want. Live, love, work, play, or sit and watch – the future is up to you.

Consciousness and the ego

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, how to reconcile an expanded state of consciousness with the Ego? Are they conflicting? How to harmonize the interests of a high state of consciousness with the immediate interests of an Ego in the third dimension? Is it possible for the Ego to understand Unity? Is it possible for an incarnate soul devoid of Ego? ~Marcos, Brazil

ANSWER: If by consciousness you refer to the spiritual aspects of becoming more aware of who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities that means you possess, then yes, there is a conflict with the ego. The ego is a physical, third-dimensional state where everything is rated, graded, and judged.

Judgment can only occur in the presence of negativity, so a determination can be made that something is better than, greater than, more correct than something else. You are required to have a duality to have opposites, or to determine something is less than perfection, which is the state of unconditionally loving awareness.

To reach enlightenment, or an expanded state of consciousness, one must have moved away from dependence on the ego. Evaluations concerning how much can be learned from a situation replace judging its status.

Ego cannot understand unity because of its sameness. Without a form of grading, ego fails to see anything of value. It cannot comprehend that everything has the same importance and significance with no differences whatsoever.

Incarnate souls who have worked to understand the lessons they chose for that lifetime, and have mastered the wisdom, can remain physically on Earth but rise above the need for ego and judgment. They live in a state of bliss, using their essential powers as souls to continue experiencing physicality.

Clinging to ego is a choice made by each soul who is having a human-life experience. All souls have freedom of choice, and the degree to which they adhere to third-dimensional negative characteristics determines how far they have progressed in their appointed intention to remember who they are as a piece of Source energy.

What is real

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

QUESTION: Masters do we create our own reality? If so, then what is real? ~Angela, Canada

ANSWER: All souls are composed of unconditionally loving energy. Everything in the universe is energy and energy is everything. It is amorphous – without form – unless it is given form through the intention of a soul who needs physicality in order to complete a desired lesson.

If you never left the universe of unconditional love, you would not need a physical reality. It is only to complete your learning experiences that it is needed. When in a body form having a human experience, you are ruled by the ego, which demands the ability to rate, grade, and judge everything around you. So, you create the reality needed to fulfill your wishes.

For this purpose, it is insufficient merely to have energy sensations around you. You need something that can be considered by those sharing this life with you, something that is visible to all.

“Reality” in the physical sense has length, width, and depth. Regardless of an object’s appearance to you, it may be interpreted differently by others. The beauty or usefulness of a possession may be vital to you and frivolous to another. The need or desire for a situation will vary with the construction of one’s path.

If you journey away from home, your reality is dictated by what area you enter. You can accept things as others intended them to appear, or you can provide your own interpretation. You may see an item as a work of art or a piece of junk, while its owner appreciates it as a chair.

Reality is fluid; it changes to meet your needs. What is real is what you choose to see as being present, and its definition of purpose is as you choose to dictate. It is different for each human. When solidity is needed for an exchange between two individuals, it will be seen as such by both.