Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

No resonance with spiritual priciples

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters this is a very important question that came to mind. How can you say there is no good or bad? How about karma? I believe in it. All my life is based on doing good deeds that the world would be ”better place”. So, is it useless? Why do I feel happiness and love, if they don’t matter after all? I would like to have a good life with a positive result in the end, and I feel the world needs more laughter and joy. But why should I actually bother? Why shouldn’t I start to live in a selfish way and take benefits only for myself? It doesn’t resonate with me at all that there is no good or bad. ~Reetta, Finland

ANSWER: We said that there is no good or bad in a spiritual sense, which is the world of your nonphysical energetic essence. On planet Earth, which was created as a duality of negative and positive, there is very definitely a good and bad.

Karma is a concept derived from religious practices that dictates the punishment that will arise from a person’s actions if not in compliance with the religions tenets. Everyone creates their own realities, and within yours, the Karma concept has a presence. That does not mean that it is universally accepted or a standalone belief.

Every soul is on their own unique journey. They are not dependent for spiritual growth and understanding on any other person. They have no responsibility to try to assist anyone else. No one can make another do anything they do not choose to do, so it is impossible to make the world a better place unless the rest of the world cooperates.

A great deal of the love you feel is self-love because you believe in what you are doing and accept that it is by your choice and not mandated by another. Love of self is a necessary step to enlightenment and connection with your essential Source energy. Nothing feels as good as that.

If the world’s people engaged in more laughter and joy, they would find themselves pulling away from negativity and approaching positive love. Aspiring to teach people to move into positivity will change the world – but remember, the choice to do so is always theirs.

You also have freedom of choice, and choosing to go all out for yourself is one way to proceed. Earth is a place, and the only place, to explore opposites. Try experimenting with selfishness, gluttony, pride, or other “me-first” attitudes. There is nothing wrong with that if it appeals to you. You can always return to where you are right now.

But, as you have pointed out, what is most important is what resonates with you, what makes you feel as if you are doing what you had always sought to do. Follow your intuition and feelings and create what is comfortable for you.


Is there a correct/right religion?

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters is there a correct/right religion? I’m a converted Muslim, but my family hates it. Am I wrong for following the Islamic teachings? What is the meaning of me feeling close to a culture so different from mine? Does it have to do with my past lives? ~Kamila, Brazil

ANSWER: Organized religions create belief systems by which their participants choose to model their lives. Various social, sports, and theatrical associations provide other forms of belief systems for the individual. Races and nationalities also provide beliefs that people follow. From all the possibilities, each person decides what pieces of each available set of rules and regulations they wish to incorporate into their own reality.

All organized groups motivate their devotees to behave exactly as the group rules dictate. All choices are removed from the members, and with them, the responsibility for the consequences of what they do because they follow the rules and don’t make any decisions themselves.

Don’t get us wrong: there is a benefit to following the directions of others – if, and when, what you are asked to do resonates within you and feels like what will allow you to thrive. For every person, the answer to your question can be different. What tenets of what groups will help you learn about yourself and grow in awareness of who and what you are? If you do not feel like you are understanding life better, then move on to another group.

It is difficult within your family because their belief systems tell them that Islamic teachings are wrong and that you are being led into a dangerous way of life. Everyone has freedom of choice, and you must accept that their beliefs, being contrary to yours, will continue to cause discord.

Your interests have nothing to do with a past life. You find a comfort in the teachings right now and in the other participants. Create this as your reality and need until it no longer feels comfortable. With religion as with employment, interests, or companions, be truthful to yourself and remain connected until it is uncomfortable – then do not hesitate to change to something else.

There is no right or correct anything that applies to all people. Each is responsible for their own choices if they accept they have choices and don’t just blindly follow their family.

Are all souls equally talented?

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, are all Souls equally talented? Here on Earth some have very high levels of IQ, some are prodigies and are talented in various fields like music, art, dance etc. Are these talents accumulated & improved upon through life times or is it that any soul can become what (for example: born with high IQ) it wishes in an incarnation? ~Deepthi, India

ANSWER: All souls have the same essence: they are pieces broken off from Source energy with all the same potential powers and abilities of Source. Humans, on the other hand, are limited by the duality in which they have chosen to exist and the circumstances from which they have chosen to learn during their lifetime.

A soul enters a body having already decided whether to revisit a talent possessed in a prior life or series of lives. The soul may wish to try out something new. Most of the time, talents developed previously are left in their deep unconscious to be brought out only after the soul has completed their new lessons – if they manage to do so.

Being a prodigy can bring unique personality challenges. The person may have difficulty communicating with others of their age because they have nothing in common with them. They may also have underdeveloped social skills and lack confidence in anything other than their “specialty.” Their lessons include understanding why they are different and how to relate to life in general.

Being extremely intelligent or dull also presents challenges in dealing with everyday events and the actions of others. Do you want everyone to like you? Or do you choose to be faithful to yourself? Are you hurt by the jealousy or taunts of classmates? Or have you learned that being yourself doesn’t need input from others?

You have provided your own answer. Any soul can become whatever they wish to be, both from the choices made before incarnating and from the work they do once on Earth. This all gives them the chosen experiences that made them decide to come in the first place.