Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

On the way but not connecting

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters from a young age I’ve been on a “spiritual” path, through yoga and meditation and looking into the philosophy of these things, metaphysics, etc. However, I feel false, disconnected, and don’t know how to move forward in a way that feels authentic and can actually connect me to source. I’m “recovering” from alcohol and have 10 days sober, one reason being the feeling I’ve lost my authentic self somehow. I feel like I’m in ego and judgment of self most of the time. How can I move past this in my current phase, or embrace and learn from this experience? ~C., United States

ANSWER: What do you consider your authentic self? Everyone creates their own reality and that includes a definition of who they feel they are or who they want to be. They then use their freedom of choice to bring all the required pieces into existence.

There is an authentic person within the third-dimensional society where the ego rules through judgment and condemnation. Then there is an authentic person, spiritual if you want to call it that, who has removed themselves from negative energy and positioned themselves firmly in unconditional love and evaluates rather than judges the actions of all those with whom they come into contact.

Your direction is based on your choices. Do you relapse and let the world dictate to you, or do you examine each choice and go toward the unconditional love of Source energy? It is all up to you.

Meditation will help you see the possibilities. Ask for assistance from your guides and the Masters. Embrace the knowledge of your physical body, which you can glean through yoga, so that you sense the purity from love versus the conflict generated by ego.

Be yourself; don’t let other people or substances tell you what you need or feel. You have ventured onto the path to your essence and Source – you just have to keep going.

Psychedelics and spirituality

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, what is the place of ancient indigenous medicines like ayahuasca in our human spiritual evolution, individually and collectively? My girlfriend and I have partaken in a few ceremonies and although I have had numerous beautiful realizations, I haven’t been able to ground them into my daily physical experience. She, on the other hand, has fared even worse (perceived) as she actually had quite a difficult experience and has seemed to shun anything reminiscent of spirituality ever since. Her depression and sadness often get the better of her and I’m worried. Should she delve back into the spirit world through the indigenous method, or is there a better way to heal herself? ~Matt, United States

ANSWER: The types of substances you mention are taken to diminish the ego-conscious restraints of the human body and allow your mind to move outward without restrictions. Some of these same acting materials are used by psychiatrists to manage depression, extreme phobias, and various other mental conditions.

The effect upon your girlfriend resulted from her not having a firm foundation for her human identity, and the ayahuasca removed any stability she had. The experience left her floating and imagining all the worst possibilities. Since she sensed the nonphysical beings around her, she could not differentiate between friendly and malicious and she fears the “bad guys” will attack her if she enters that state again. Therefore, she desires no contact with any nonphysicals, which to her means anything spiritual.

To maintain a connection with the spiritual beings you were able to access through the drugs, you need to re-create the conditions within your mind. That does not mean continued use of the substances but visualizing the state. Before beginning, have the intention to establish contact with your guides and advisors. Enter into a deep meditation where you completely shut off your mind and then invite the same beings to come for a visit.

When entering this space without the total release of your inhibitions through the drug you will be able to control whom you meet, what you learn, and easier ways to repeat your experiences. To answer your question, medicines are one means of knowing what is possible. But dependence on them keeps you from using your intention to format your connection.

Give your girlfriend time. Try having her enter meditation and ask for her protective guides to show themselves to reassure herself that not all nonphysicals are harmful and dangerous.

Physical changes and ascension

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

QUESTIONS: Masters. I want to ask about the ascension process. As soon as I met my twin flame last year, I started hearing a frequency in my ears. For about 7 months there were minor shifts in my consciousness. During the 8th month, there was a major shift. Everything started to look more alive. My skin started to become shiny with a rainbow-like reflection to it. Teeth and gums became cleaner. Hair all over the body became finer. Eyes became clearer. Breath became smoother. The intensity of light from light sources like table lamps, street lights etc. started to increase. Colors started to look more vibrant. Greens started to look greener, yellow yellower etc. Mind became silent with no random thoughts or visualizations. I started seeing a pulsating blue star in my mind’s eye. Can you explain this ascension process in detail? Is that my soul star? ~Aadish, United States

ANSWER: This person is not your twin flame but is a close member of your soul group with whom you have shared a lot of different lifetimes incarnate. You are together for this soul mate to assist you in raising your vibration to a level that allows you to connect completely with the unconditional love of Source.

Ascension is just that – leaving behind the heavy, negative energy of the duality and ascending into only the positive, pure, love energy from which you originated. In the duality, the closer one is to the negativity of humanity, the foggier and heavier all functions of the human body become. When you leave behind the ego judgment and enter a state of positive evaluation, things clear up and become more distinct. Ascension is reconnecting to your nonphysical self.

Ascension varies for everyone because the process occurs through your intention and is affected by whether you have removed all the lessons chosen for that lifetime. The lessons appear in negativity, and being immersed in them prevents you from clearing away the negative to get to the positive. Being able to clear them up also settles the mind, so you can exist in the nonphysical world without interference.

The tone that you are hearing is the flow of life force energy circulating through your body. The pulsing blue light is a view of your true essence; it is not connected to your physical body and therefore not one of your chakras.

The next step for you is to join with your guides and the Ascended Masters in remembering who you are as a soul and seeing what else you had planned for this journey. You may also access your akashic records to open all the wisdom that you gathered in past lives and bring it into this one for the purpose of assisting others.