Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Does learning change your future?

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, if, in a lifetime, a person understands that they are on a spiritual journey, have had many lives and previous experiences and accepts they are a piece of Source, will they still have this awareness in their next reincarnation? Once this level of understanding is reached, does it prevent the soul from choosing certain life lessons I.e. to be evil? ~Jane, UK

ANSWER: The answer to all your questions is a resounding NO! All this knowledge is known to the soul whenever they are not in a human form, and yet, they still have freedom of choice to choose to examine any type of incarnation they want.

The primary reason that souls incarnate is to learn what is the opposite of perfection and to exercise their learning abilities concerning the specific lessons they wish to understand. What they learn in each life is added to their compilation of knowledge and wisdom but is not openly accessible in each subsequent human life unless they intend for it to be so.

When planning for a particular lifetime, the soul decides exactly what they want to explore – this may be something totally new to them or the continuation of something they have dealt with in the past. There is no hierarchy of experiences – for example, dealing with a complicated examination of love is not more important than finding out what hatred feels like in the flesh.

After completing whatever lessons a soul incarnates with the intention to accomplish, the next phase is remembering who they are as a soul and seeing how they can use those powers and abilities to understand even more of the human experience. This may bring back what was done in prior lives or it may lead to a re-discovery of their essence for the purpose of reinforcing and integrating that wisdom more fully into their physical body.

The epitome of the whole human journey is the realization of the wonder of freedom of choice, first learning that it is the controlling facet of humanity, and second discovering what those choices entail. Many souls having their human experience never reach the realization that they have freedom of choice. The spiritual understanding gives you a leg up on the journey.

Do souls have personalities?

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

QUESTION:  Masters! Hope you are doing well 🙂 I would like to ask questions about soul personalities. Do souls have personality? If they do, is the personality the same as when the soul is in human body? For example, if I am a dreamy and a sentimental person, does it mean my soul has these traits? ~Sara, Macao

ANSWER: Souls are not persons; they have no physical attributes, a single sex, nationality, or anything that can be rated, ranked, or graded, because they exist only in positive, unconditional love devoid of any negative characteristics. They are energy without feelings. They just “are.”

Think of your soul as a versatile actress. Who she is when not working has no clear influence on the person she portrays in a movie or play. In one show she might be an abused woman, in another a wonder woman super hero, a bumbling idiot in another, or president of the United Nations with superior intellect. So, too, does the soul’s personality reflect the situation chosen for the learning process.

If you choose a lesson in self-confidence, you would have to start out with no faith in yourself and a fear of other people and what they think about you. If you are a sadist, you would enjoy the torments of other people. If you are a healer, you would empathize and comfort others.

Who you are today is just a role with the “personality” that assists you to complete this journey. What you take Home with you after this incarnation is just the recording of this role. Your soul is not affected by it or by the way you felt performing it (what we call the personality). Your overriding essence is simple, unconditional love.

Why does a soul have to learn lessons?

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018

Question: Masters why is it that the source has split and created souls? And why is it that a soul has to learn lessons? Could the creation have not been done or souls created perfectly? ~Paul, Australia

ANSWER: Souls are perfect when they are just souls and not souls who have chosen to have a human experience. Source is perfection personified, and it decided it wished to understand what it was like not to be perfect, or what, in general, is the opposite of perfection. If it were not for this exploration of non-perfection, Source would have had no reason to split itself off into “explorers” who could “test the waters” of imperfection.

No soul is required to do anything. Everything is done by choice. Most souls desire to participate in the discovery of the potentials of non-perfectionism because this gives a greater understanding of what “perfect” means. They can accomplish this only by allowing themselves to submit to situations constructed in negativity, which is the opposite of their true essence.

To learn about something, one must explore all its aspects. When a soul embarks on the journey, they decide they will learn about a particular trait, be it something they do or something that is done to them. These have become known as life lessons. Perfection would be a balanced situation, while the opposite is chaos – in which the human works to understand how to turn it into balance again.

Each lesson is carefully chosen by the soul before incarnating on Earth. The soul has chosen all the elements that will allow it to create the situation it desires. The new human jumps into the unbalanced life, such as an addictive family, and struggles to understand how not to be drawn into the pattern. When they remove themselves from the temptations and go in another direction, they have completed the lesson.

Souls do have the opportunity to remain at Home in their perfection and not come into the influence of planet Earth and its negativity. The choice is always theirs.