Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Savant Syndrome

Tuesday, December 4th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I am curious about a condition called “savant syndrome” in which someone mentally challenged in most respects has an outstanding ability in one area, such as music, visual art, or arithmetic. The physical causes of this phenomenon seem as yet unknown and can be left to scientific research, but what is its spiritual significance? ~Sonia, USA

ANSWER: The physical cause is the soul’s intention to have a particular experience and to have it unhindered by daily life. For this reason, it blocks the entirety of the conscious brain from learning to deal with anything other than the chosen subject matter.

The spiritual journey is never that simple. A savant may be in agreement with a whole series of other souls who wish to go through life lessons with them. The parents, for instance, might feel guilt that their child was created this way genetically or through something they did during gestation. Then there is their stuggle whether to deal with the situation themselves or send the child off to a “home” to be with others who are similar, and not become a burden in their life.

The professionsals who come into contact with each savant learn from the way the child deals with life and their specialty. Therapists, teachers, medical personnel, and caregivers can all be intricately involved with the daily life of these special people. People on the street also have experiences concerning how they respond, what they think, or their ability to face the situation at all.

Then there is the soul itself. The soul has the opportunity to include any or all of its life lessons in a single lifetime. It can be as simple as wanting to be basically dependent on others while still being able to explore an interesting subject. Or it may include issues of self-confidence, self-worth, abuse, anger, lack of love, or anything else. Again, all these options are brought about by the soul’s freedom of choice.

Do Earth experiences affect the soul?

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters from what I have read we leave part of our soul at home while on earth, can our soul at home be affected in any way by our experiences or interaction with spirited and haunted items, tarot, magic etc. while on earth. ~Pat, UK

ANSWER: Souls at home are in unconditional love energy and unaffected by anything negative. They can still recall the contacts they had while in the duality, but it does not affect them at Home. It is like when you were touring at a beautiful place and it started raining and you got soaked: when you remember that incident you do not again become wet.

The physical body that contains the adventuring soul having their human experience can be affected by any deleterious thing within their environment. Most of the time the appearance of such an incident occurs as a test coming from a chosen life lesson.

Since the purpose of coming to Earth is to learn what negativity is all about and to be able to use your freedom of choice to take you in another direction, the more negative events, the more the soul is able to learn. Nothing negative is taken by the soul back into Source energy.

Experiencing the magic, the discarnates, and the evil energies is only possible on Earth. Whether or not you complete the tasks necessary to totally understand each “attack” or incident does not affect you as an eternal soul. You get the idea of what is involved and then can decide whether to go back and confront it again, watch as someone else battles the negativity, or just decide you don’t really want to go further with that element of humanhood.

The soul makes all the choices before, during, and after they encounter a particular lesson. There are no requirements that they go any deeper into a lesson than they choose. So rest assured, all the decisions are yours – nothing is decided by anyone else, nor is anything predestined.

Compassion and illusion

Tuesday, November 20th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters what is the essence of compassion and what is the true nature of illusion of time? How are they related? ~Malavika, India

ANSWER: Compassion is a third-dimensional concept since it has a corollary negative aspect. Society says to understand another human you need to put yourself in their shoes. It is a very important part of many religions, normally talked about as “it is more blessed to give than to receive” or “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” These precepts indicate that you have a responsibility to take care of others in order for them to receive their due, for you to be a good person, and so that society doesn’t have to take care of them.

Compassion is not a spiritual concept because its completion requires people on two sides of an issue – the giver and the receiver. It involves the giver’s issuing a judgment on the receiver by saying they do not have something which they need and the giver therefore will provide it – whether the receiver thinks they need it or not.

A spiritual journey is a singular event where you spend time understanding the life lessons you chose before coming and also try to learn who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities are a part of your essence.

Everything is energy and energy is everything. To create a situation where you are able to share a stage with others, you have to agree to the environment where you are meeting and interacting. You are taking the energy that is you and creating an illusion that is shared by another so that they perceive the same setup as you. This is an illusion of time since it occurs at the same time and location for one person as it does for another, so they may meet at a mutually agreed place.

An illusion of time is necessary for a person to show compassion because the receiver must be present for the emotion to be directed at them. If they did not share an illusion, they would be invisible to one another. Then the giver would not be able to render their judgment and deliver their compassionate energy to the other.