Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

The third eye

Tuesday, December 25th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I have just developed an interest in spirituality and divination. When I went to a shop that sold incense and crystals etcetera, the shopkeeper started to tell me about the third eye and how it has three curtains, and even about people who could see gory images and decided to close that curtain. Masters, could you please tell me more about the third eye and the 3 curtains? ~Ang, Singapore

ANSWER: There are a lot of definitions and concepts concerning the “third eye.” It has many Eastern religious connotations, e.g., the Indian ajna (or aina) or the major energy center brow chakra, and Taoism where it is seen to facilitate the correct vibration for advanced meditation. In some Western philosophies it refers to an awakening or enlightenment into the nature of the soul and its journey.

There are some scientists who equate it with the pineal gland, about which relatively little is known. In psychic circles it represents the base of communications between the physical and nonphysical worlds. It is frequently called the “mind’s eye,” “inner eye,” or “psychic eye” associated with clairvoyance, precognition, out-of-body travel, and intuition.

It is invisible in the physical plane, being energetic and part of the many layers of the soul that surround the human body. During a soul’s journey into humanhood, the person may deal only with the visible body aspects, or they may venture into the energetic essence of the inner soul. It is during such trips that the person may engage that area of their existence which you have called the third eye.

Since each soul creates the physical reality they wish to use in their learning experiences, they use beliefs that accomplish that feat. What you have been told about three curtains is a belief system employed by the speaker to explain the manifestations observed during their journey. It will occur to you only if you accept that concept as a belief with which you identify and resonate.

As with all beliefs that control your thought process and activity, you should accept this one as being useful to your life only if it feels right to you. Try it out; if it does not continue to feel good, reject it and move on to something that does resonate with you. But if someone else’s belief works for you, then go for it. Just know it is part of the reality that they have created.

Who makes the ultimate choices?

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters who or what gets the final decision on human life termination? Many scientific monkey studies have concluded that extreme calorie restriction provides primates and humans with longer, healthier lives. Is this true? Is the healthfulness and length of our human lives dependent on human lifestyle or genetics or human will? Or is it dictated by the soul, higher self, divine self, source? I have known vile individuals who live healthy long lives while many kind and loving individuals meet illness and untimely deaths, not to mention suicides and accidents. Who or what is ultimately in charge of determining our individual health and longevity? ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: Everything that happens to the soul who has chosen to have a human experience is determined by that soul; no other person or thing has an influence in the final decision. It may appear as if other things influence the time of return, but when you examine the circumstances, you will notice that the events leading up to the transition were the result of decisions made by the soul.

Every person reacts differently to nutrition. It is a matter of fact that opulence has caused a decline in some people’s longevity because of overindulgence. Such decline can be exacerbated by lack of activity. Not just food but the whole lifestyle needs to be viewed before determining causal factors.

As you mentioned, family genetics can have an effect, but most important is the life lessons the soul has chosen. Did they choose to have a long or short stay? What medical or environmental concerns did they wish to experience? Do they place themselves in dangerous situations repeatedly?

You ask about influence from the soul, higher self, and divine self – those are all aspects of the same entity. Source, however, does not have a say in what occurs. What you choose is what you experience. Regardless of any other lesson chosen – such as evilness, illness, or accidents – it is all the will of the soul.

Souls have freedom of choice, which means if they learn a lesson, they may then choose to go in the opposite direction to experience the reverse. You may start out a horrible person to others, learn to love, and then become a philanthropist.

You (as does each individual soul) create your own reality by establishing an illusion that includes all the scenarios to answer all the questions you came to Earth to learn. Have fun while you learn and know you are in the driver’s seat.

Loving those choosing a negative life

Tuesday, December 11th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters in one of your affirmations you say, “Love all souls, even those whose choice of lessons does not appeal to me.” Can you please give us some advice in how we can become better? How can we forgive all souls that are continuing to hurt others, including those that are also cruel to our animals? I know we have the choice to live in positive environment, but I am truly struggling to love these souls and accept their choices to a point that I am getting depressed. ~Rachel, Canada

ANSWER: All things that occur on the planet are for souls to experience lessons they have chosen. All souls are essentially the same, having originated from the same Source and having only positive energy when anywhere but in the duality of Earth. Once they start doing things on their own, they accumulate memories that differ from those of their soul mates.

The purpose of souls’ incarnating as humans is to use their freedom of choice to learn who they are as unconditionally loving souls, as opposed to remaining mired in an existence of negative and positive opposites. Earth’s duality is the arena of ego judgment where personal status is determined by judging, grading, and rating everything that everyone does.

Within the spiritual path, the soul removes itself from the need to judge and turns to evaluating what can be learned from their observations. You ask: Is this the type of lesson I wish to experience to add to my repertoire, or do I definitely know it is not for me? On the spiritual journey, judgment turns into evaluation without censoring the action.

As a human you exist in a judgmental world. You are expected to have opinions about what is going on around you. Using societal norms of right and wrong, you incorporate into your belief systems the rules that guide your daily life, the consensus of what is a good person and what is a bad person. And according to human judgment, you comply.

But the person you judge as bad or evil by the standards of the world is still an unconditionally loving soul, inside, who is experiencing the negativity that can only be found on Earth and that they chose to experience. You do not have to separate the human body from the soul.

Let your human body, if it cannot transition completely into a spiritual awareness, share opinions with the rest of the world. But let your spiritually awakened soul identify with the soul inside that person – and love the soul that had the desire to learn a difficult lesson.

Don’t let yourself become depressed, because that is saying you can’t exist with multiple ideas about others. It is perfectly all right to have both a human view and a spiritual opinion.